Author Bio
Feel free to share a little about yourself in your own words.
Hello! I am an accountant by day and a fantasy writer by night. When I am not working or writing I am enjoying traveling and being adventurous with my husband and our two daughters. Enough about me, let’s talk shop!
How did you get into writing?
I have always had a passion for stories. I am an avid reader and love being swept up in the fantasies others created. As the years went on, I realized that I had a story in my head. One that I wanted to share. When I realized this, I was well into the trenches of the indie author world. I realized that I could create a wonderful adventure, one that I was sure others would enjoy. So, I started writing (well typing). Three and half years later here I am getting ready to release the second book in my adventure.
What can you tell us about your daily routines that help you focus and your creative habits? So, for example how do you come up with some of your ideas and inspiration for your book?
I dare not reveal my secrets of my creativity! Really, I just don’t want anyone to know how unorganized I am. I write at night, if my muse is willing to come out and play that is. She isn’t always helpful (like when I needed to write this interview, a month ago!) To be honest, my best ideas come at the most inopportune times, like the shower or when I am driving! I have to quickly get notes into my phone, so I can come back and hopefully grab that train of thought and get it moving again. I have pulled into a parking lot more that once to take notes.
The inspiration for locations, visuals and people all come from my travels and hints of characters I have loved in the past. The Alderash castle was inspired by the cathedral in the Prague castle in Prague Czech and the
Neuschwanstein castle in Fussen, Germany. Sprinkle in a small obsession for the architect from the Byzantine era and you have Alderash citadel!
When I have the opportunity, I like to grab my computer and site outside, may be at the lake or in the forest. The quiet and beauty of nature have helped me create a world where the land has the ultimate power.
Is this book very personal for you? If so, how?
Of-course it is! I have created a world beyond my own imagination. A story that has taken on a life of its own. The simple fact that I created it, loved it, nurtured it, defined and redefined it. And when it was finished I put it out into the world. It’s like one’s first born child. The hardest part was opening my own arms and letting story (and my daughter) fly out into reality.
How did you come up with the book title?
This was an excruciating process! I thought that a title would just POP into my head. I had the book completely written and had no idea what to call it. As I began the beta reading phase, I dubbed it “Unbound” and well it finally stuck. I actually changed some of the wording in a critical chapter, so the title would work.
Plot and Synopsis
Can you describe what the book plot and give a detailed synopsis of the book, of course without any spoilers.
Unbound, follows a woman, Katie, who is trying to live a normal life in Denver. She has some strange and extraordinary abilities that have alienated her from most relationships.
Magic, is not something she really thinks about. To her that is more of a cult idea. She doesn’t think it’s real until it explodes out of her when she is being attacked by a monster that should not exist.
Now with her magic released, her entire existence, which has been kept secret even from her, has been revealed. She has become a target, hunted by monsters from other realms. To survive she must flee to a new world far beyond her imagination. There she is thrust into a world of secrets, magic, and ultimate power. All of which want to save her, control her or destroy her.
Beyond the halls of Alderash a growing threat, an evil so great that the realms are on high alert. The elven race is old, and many remember the last time the darkness began to consume the lands, destroying everything in its path. It is remembered the madness that consumed all. It is rising again. More powerful, more destructive.
Katie must learn the secrets that plague her. She needs to adapt to every bombshell learned and every split of reality that surrounds her. With every turn, she is thrown a curveball and she must harness the magic within her or she will not be ready to fight the evil rising out of the darkness. If she can’t fight it, all will be lost.
Is there any movie, book, or television series that you can somewhat liken your story to? So for example, some books you can say are like Game of Thrones or Star Wars, what mainstream and popular movie do you think your book somewhat “feels” like? Did you want this to be the case?
Wow, a mainstream and or popular movie(s). Honestly, I am not sure there is just one. I feel the story is a huge melting pot of popular and not so popular movies and shows. When I read it, I get a taste of Shannara Chronicles and Shadow Hunters (without the teenage angst) with just a touch of Game of Thrones (this becomes more prevalent the next books). I also get an undertone Dark Tower vibe. This last one could simply be because I am a huge Stephen King fan and developed sa character who could fits both.
Themes or Messages
What themes and deeper meanings or messages can we expect to find in this book if any? Is there any deep meanings or philosophical questions being explored in the book?
This is a harder question to answer for Unbound. I created a strong female protagonist. A female that does not succumb to silly romantic notions or requires a stronger male to be stable. I do allow for some romance, but it is not the driving part of Katie’s story. The rest of the message, the greater one I want to share, I can’t, not yet, it would be a spoiler.
Off the wall question, but would some of the issues being explored in the book relate to us here in the real world?
Yes, I think so. We all struggle with our identity when we are new adults. I think this book may resonate with those who have or are struggling in the foster care system or with the loss of parents. I hope this book, although fantasy, will help those individuals know that hard work and perseverance will help them overcome. As it did with Katie, before her magic exploded out her.
What can you tell us about the setting that we will be seeing in this book?
The entire series is a mix of urban and epic (high) fantasy. The story starts off in Denver, Colorado and its surrounding metropolis. Katie moves on to alternate realms. I created the veil to be the split between all the different realms. Note that different realms are not alternate realities, just a different place occupying the same location on the planet, separated by the “Veil”.
Unbound sees Katie leaving what the elvens deem as earth. Don’t fret, it won’t be the last time we visit earth, you will just have to wait until book two to return.
What cultures or societies can we expect to see and can you tell us about how you came up with creating these societies? Was it difficult to get deep into how the societies function?
Alderash rules all the realms by a monarchy. The heir to the throne is always female. The elvens live for many generations, although not immortal, death is not normally how a throne passes, it is usually abdicated by the reigning queen when she is ready. Here we will find all the nuances of those who adore and are loyal to the throne and those who are not and want a new lineage to rule.
Book one, delves under the top layer of the Alderash culture. Just enough to show you the complexity of the council. You get much more in-depth in book two.
For a bit of humor, I also take little jabs at USA’s current ruling monarchy, I mean Trump presidency.
Tell us about the history of the land or world or worlds that we will be exploring through out the book?
I have not dated Alderash. It has been around for thousands of years. As far as it is known, it has been around since the gods walked the land. Each realm is important for a specific reason. Once upon time there was an unknown, endless number of different realms. Now there are only about twelve remaining including earth.
What can you tell us about some of the main characters and villains in this book?
The villains remain in the shadows throughout Unbound. You learn of the darkness that destroyed many of the out realms a thousand years ago. A darkness that is rising again. They are elusive.
Katie O’Loflin, is our protagonist. She is a twenty-two-year-old martial arts expert, working at a bar and going to college for a psychology degree. She was orphaned when was fourteen and bounced around the foster care system until a horrific event forced her to the live on the streets for a short time. She learns she is not who or what she thought she was.
During Katie’s initial revelation she meets Roland Olander, the most decorated elven warrior in all the realms. With him is his sidekick, Lucas.
Sadly this request is a tough one, any more information would be considered spoilers.
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Please nominate another author you really like and has not yet reached mainstream and a small paragraph about why you believe this author is someone to really look into.
I am not sure what is considered mainstream. I feel it’s been so long since I read a book! Been writing so much when I have time. My last books were ARCS for S.J. West and Karen Lynch. All established authors. Sorry, just realized that those are all YA PNR authors!
There are so many other indie authors that I just adore because of their character, I just haven’t had the chance to read many (that I would recommend). I am assuming you want fantasy writers. So, I will have to pick KM Jenkins. She creates such colorful worlds to dive into that keep you wanting more from the characters.
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