Hey guys,
I know I have been a bit absent from the site but I am in the works to develop it further. I have been searching and will continue to post with permission those bloggers, authors, and people that have great content and are willing to share.
A few things from the groups today, first off I would like to thank Ambrine Carrera for her posting of Poison Ivy on the group on Facebook.
Thanks to Leninha So Pessoa for her posting of her webtoon Alleycat. She is an amazing artist and I am so glad to have her work on my groups and Facebook page.
To see her work go to the following link.
Also, check out her Facebook post.
Check out this book cover from Jeffery Bardell:
For those of you who are new readers thanks for reading and welcome to our small but ever growing community!
I do appreciate all the likes and follows this has gathered!
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