Spiderman No Way Home Review: January 13, 2022
Warning: Possible Spoilers Here So Be Warned!!
I just wanted to give my review on the new “Spiderman: No Way Home” from Marvel. I must stay this was quite the surprise to the upside. I went into the movie not having seen the trailers and just for a bit of background I am and have always been a Spiderman fan. I didn’t see the trailers going in, and I missed the previous Spiderman that came out, off the top of my head I don’t even know what the name of it is…forgive me on that…was it good???
I went with two friends here in Oregon, and we had front row seats. The seating was very comfortable the chairs had been redesigned recently and the chairs are actually recliners.
Movie starts…actually the trailers first and we see a trailer for some dark anti hero, not sure who that was exactly but it stars Jared Leto…I already forgot who he is going to play.
So Spiderman starts, and it begins where the last movie ended. Mysterio has managed to ruin Pakers life as a last act of revenge from the last movie.
From there the plot begins. Parker then seeks out Dr Strange and we now have the plot in place to interact with other Marvel storylines and universes.
I won’t get into the details of of the plot to much, but what I will say is that as the story progresses, I was impressed with the plot, the writing, the script it all came together very well.
How Marvel Got It Right
So, as mentioned I felt that everything came together very well. What I mean by that is one pet peeve I have about the writing in Hollywood is that things like multiverse/time travel and those type of things to me mean very lazy writing. I’m not sure how others feel about it, but those two subjects are cop outs for bad writing to begin with. For example, if I box myself into a corner on a popular character and for the sake of not being boring we can kill popular characters to make the plot lines thicker, more interesting. However, studios and companies need a way to continue to make money from popular characters such as Iron Man, Thor, Captain America and others, but yet we need some realism and to be able to sometimes “kill” them to make dramatic stories. Otherwise why even bother going to the movies unless there is some surprise that keep us on our feet.
Enter time travel and multiverse. So, lets say they want to bring back Captain America from the past. Make a time machine, bring back young Rogers and presto!! The Cap is back! I do understand to a certain degree studios doing just that though, and I would be tempted to do the same thing if I was in their place I just don’t like those things in movies and comics. It just reeks to me of lazy writing to begin with.
Marvel, though in this case got it right. I really enjoyed this movie and didn’t mind the multiverse writing and actually instead of not liking it, I ended up actually liking the fact that they wrote in the multiverse in this movie. The writing was brilliant and I didn’t get that feeling that the writing was lazy at all. I very much enjoyed seeing the previous Spidermans interact with the current Spiderman played by Tom Holland. The movie was emotional on several levels and overall I give this movie a 5 out of 5 stars for getting so many things right.
The villains were great. I myself was a fan of Dr Octopus and his character development throughout the movie and although I did have one big question about how Green Goblin survived I suppose I am going to need to research and Google that to fully grasp how he ended up in this movie to begin with.
Five out of five stars!! My take!!!
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