Spiderman No Way Home Review: January 13, 2022 Warning: Possible Spoilers Here So Be Warned!! I just wanted to give my review on the new "Spiderman: No Way Home" from Marvel. I must stay this was quite the surprise to the upside. I went into the movie not having seen the trailers and just for a bit of background I am and have always been a Spiderman fan. I … [Read more...] about Spiderman No Way Home Review: January 2022
Movie Review
Don’t See The Green Knight by A24: August 7, 2021
About The Green Knight The Green Knight is made by a film studio called A24, an edgy film studio that has made movies such as Midsommar and a few other movies I don't really care to watch at the moment. As of right now, I'm not really liking this film studio as I think they go off course in their strange symbolism. For example, the Green Knight has way to many walking … [Read more...] about Don’t See The Green Knight by A24: August 7, 2021
Movie “US” short review (Spoilers)
I saw the movie "Us" last week and I totally meant to write a review earlier, but due to work among other things I am only getting around to it today. Warning: This review will contain spoilers so please do not read if you have not seen it and want to be a bit surprised. The movie I felt was a bit slow going, truth be told I closed my eyes for just a few minutes … [Read more...] about Movie “US” short review (Spoilers)
How to Fix Star Wars Episode 9 from “The Last Jedi”
I have recently started to think about how to "fix" Episode 9 for all the Star Wars fans furious about Episode 8 "The Last Jedi". So, after viewing Episode 8 I came out of the theater a bit underwhelmed, I didn't dislike it at first, but I didn't exactly come out of the theater feeling like I just saw another part or extension of the Star Wars main core movies that is the … [Read more...] about How to Fix Star Wars Episode 9 from “The Last Jedi”
Infinity War Review by Sarah Katz, Rosemary A Johns, and PJ Reed
Glad to have several authors on this movie review as we review Marvel’s “Avengers: Infinity War” with Sarah Katz and P.J. Reed and Rosemary A Johns. "Infinity War" is the latest in Marvels Avengers franchise which is a finale of sorts to the years long story of the “Avengers” movie which started in 2012. As you can imagine I am very very happy to have these talented and … [Read more...] about Infinity War Review by Sarah Katz, Rosemary A Johns, and PJ Reed